Mother and Baby Elephant

This is an image of elephants

This image was obtained from

This image is showing us the closeness of a mother and daughter elephants.

I love how this image reminds me of how my mother would always protect me from harm

This is in GIF format

Characteristics of GIF graphic format

  1. Best used for line art and logos
  2. Maximum of 256 colors
  3. Can be animated

Kittens in a Box

This is an image of kittens

This image was obtained from.

This image is about a litter of newly born kittens left out on the streets.

I love this picture because I am an animal activist and I pride myself on helping take care of abandoned animals through non-profit companies like CASCA and SPCA

This is in JPEG format

Characteristics of JPEG graphic format

  1. Best used for photographs
  2. Up to 16.7 million colors
  3. Cannot be animated
  4. Cannot be made transparent

Lil Pup

This is an image of a puppy

This image was obtained from

This image is a female American Stattfordshire Terrier puppy.

I love this picture I have loved puppies since I was 6 months old. They bring me so much joy and would love to live with a billion of them.

This is in PNG format

Characteristics of PNG graphic format

  1. Support millions of colors
  2. Support multiple levels of transparency
  3. Combines the best of GIF and JPEG